Board of Directors

Mission Statement

The Sandy Pines Board of Directors will provide positive leadership and management direction so as to ensure the long term viability and success of Sandy Pines Wilderness Trails, Inc. Meet our board of directors below.

Meet the Board

RV Resort Campground West MichiganMy name is Ellen Carpenter and I am running for a second term on the Sandy Pines Board of Directors. I am currently the Chairperson of the Board, but also a member of the Safety and Security Committee, as well as the liaison for the 50th Anniversary Committee. I was also on the North Shore FEMA Building committee, which was very exciting and educational. I am involved in fund raising and placement of playground equipment for inclusive play for special needs children and adults. I am also working on establishing a Library Committee to assist our hardworking volunteers.

I became a member with my late husband in 2001, with our first site being in Phase 2. I was already an associate member, and later moved to my mother’s old site in Phase 3. My kids spent many summers here with family and friends and my grandson loves to visit. The community and family flavor of Sandy Pines makes this my Happy Place.

I retired from the United States Postal Service in 2017 with 29 years of service. I was also a steward and officer with the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, where I learned conflict resolution, contract compliance, and financial procedures for a non profit organization. These skills have helped me in my duties on the board at Sandy Pines.

As we celebrate 50 years at Sandy Pines, I believe it’s important to keep traditions, but to also work towards a solid future that includes financial stability and safe operating procedures. As a board member, I am charged with protecting the assets of the park, with the members themselves being the most valuable. The safety of the members and their associates and guests are very important to me.

If successful in the election, I will strive to continue to improve communication. I will also work towards developing more recreational opportunities. Safety will continue to be a top priority, but the financial security and the protection of the assets will be most important.


My name is Rick Day, and I am running for the Sandy Pines Board of Directors. My wife Lori and I have been members of Sandy Pines for 19 years. I previously served a three-year term on the board from August 2017 through August 2020. During my three-year term I served as vice-chair for two years and chairman one year.             I am currently serving a one-year term on the board to fill a vacancy. I have spent the vast majority of my adult career in the service of others. From my professional positions in the fire service to my many board memberships and civic responsibilities I have demonstrated leadership and passion for improving the organizations and lives of the citizens I have served.

I work for the State of Michigan as a State Fire Marshal Supervisor and have been in the Fire Marshal’s Office for 23 years. I currently serve as the President of the Allegan County Fair Board and have been a board member for 23 years. I also currently serve as the Vice-President of the Allegan Area ESA School Board as well as the Allegan Fire District.

I previously served on the Allegan Fire Department as a firefighter, command officer and Fire Chief. I served as the Mayor of Allegan for two terms, Mayor Pro-Tem for three terms and served on the City Council for eight years.

I do not have a personal agenda to be on the board. I feel we need to continue the open and honest dialogue between the board, staff, and members. We need to maintain the assets of the park for not only us today but also for future generations.

My background in leadership, strong passion for public safety, and common sense will make me a great choice to serve on the board of directors.

I look forward to your support.

Board Directors Sandy Pines Camping


My name is Bob Deckinga and I am running for the Sandy Pines Board of Directors. My wife, Cheryl, and I have been members here for the past 11 years. We first lived in Phase 4 and made many good friends in that section near the North Shore Building. Currently we live in Phase 6 and have been there since 2018.

Why Sandy Pines?

My wife and I have 4 children and 10 grandchildren. Two of our children and five of our grandchildren live within 20 minutes of Sandy Pines. Our daughter and her husband also have a place here in Sandy Pines. We as a family enjoy value, the activities, and the positive atmosphere that Sandy Pines provides. Sandy Pines is a family oriented community that is unique, safe, friendly, and a “Happy Place” that one can relay or be as busy as they want to be.


I was a member of the Sandy Pines Technology Committee several years ago and am currently on the Rules Committee and the Safety Committee. My wife and I were members of the Sandy Pines Chapel Committee for the past 3 years and served as part of the administration team.


I am a retired educator from the Chicagoland area. I taught middle school students at Southwest Chicago Christian School for 17 years and then served as the school principal for 9 more years for a total of 26 years in Christian education. I was then given the opportunity to join a team of educators in the Chicago Public Schools to improve the lowest performing schools in the city and became the Director of Critical School Support and retired after serving 18 years.

Why Board of Directors?

I believe my experience of working with adults, children, and parents equips me to serve this community that we have grown to love. I don’t have all the answers, but I promise to have an open mind and listen to the concerns and questions of that may arise. I would encourage the board to see ways to provide additional recreational amenities for all the residents here at Sandy Pines. If elected I will continue to work for the good of all members and seek a sound financial foundation for Sandy Pines for years to come.

Below are qualifications that I feel would make me an excellent choice for a position on the Sandy Pines Board of Directors.

  • Mortgage lending and Bank Management for over 20 years
  • Title insurance company management for 5 years
  • I owned my own real estate company from 2022 through November 1 of 2019 when I sold and merged with Greenridge Reality. Since that time I have managed offices in Hastings and Wayland as well as managing my own successful real estate career.
  • My husband Bob and I also owned and operated our own trucking business until he retired.
  • Throughout the years I have been involved in my community extensively. I have been part of the Barry County Chamber of Commerce since about 1995 and served as the President of the Camber from 2000 through 2004 and have continued to be either a Board Member or in an Advisory Committee capacity since.
  • Bob and I also served as Chapter Directors for the Wayland Area Goldwing Road Riders Association for 4 years and spearheaded fundraisers for Paws With A Cause in Moline

My passion has always been making things better in my community wherever or whatever that might be and I believe that my extensive experience in Banking, Management, Real Estate, Advisory Board positions for the community, and many others would make me and excellent candidate for the Board of Directors at Sandy Pines.

I would welcome the opportunity to be part of the future growth of Sandy Pines and assisting to make it “Our Happy Place”.

Board Directors Sandy Pines CampingHello. My name is Kelly V. Johnson and I would like to start off by saying thank you to the 600+ members who placed your trust and confidence in me with your votes 3 years ago.

Serving on the Sandy Pines Board of Directors can be difficult and time consuming, however, the satisfying reward of seeing our amazing park grow and thrive makes this position worthwhile, in my opinion. With that, I feel there is still more work for me to do, so I am respectfully requesting your consideration to vote for me in August for my 2nd term to serve on the Sandy Pines Board of Directors.


I grew up in Mattawan, MI where I graduated from Mattawan High School in 1975 and attended Kalamazoo Valley Community College.

I was lucky enough in 1981 when my best friend in life, Leslie, said “I do”. We’ve been happily married for 40 years this September and have been blessed with 2 children, our daughter Jamie and our son, Scott. We raised our family in Portage, MI.

Since the last Sandy Pines election, our twin granddaughters, Hannah, and Hailey got a new little sister, Hadley from their parents, Jamie and her husband, Ben. “Papa” is my new favorite title.


We heard about this awesome park called Sandy Pines from a dear friend and decided to camp there in 2011. Like everyone else, we immediately fell in love with this park. After camping at Sandy Pines several times over the course of 2 seasons, it was a no-brainer in 2013 for us to buy our site and become members, rather than camping guests. Our love for the park grew in such a way that we decided to sell our home in Portage and buy a Sandy Pines condo in 2016 so we could live here and enjoy the park year-round. We just couldn’t get enough, and we’re happy to call Sandy Pines our permanent home.


In 1979, I began working for the U.S. Postal Service as a Mail Handler. Throughout my 33- year career with the USPS, I received several promotions and held the following positions; Supervisor of Mails, Tour Superintendent, Supervisor of Customer Service, Station Branch Manager, Postmaster Portage MI, District Safety Manager, and Transportation Manager before retiring in 2012.


Chairman, Kalamazoo County Combined Federal Campaign BOD, Kalamazoo Postal Federal Credit Union BOD, Access First Federal Credit Union BOD, Post Community Credit Union BOD, United Bay Community Credit Union BOD, Sandy Pines Condo Association Moderator, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Sandy Pines Rules Advisory Committee


There is one reason and one reason only that I would like to serve another term on the Sandy Pines Board of Directors; this community is our home and I love our home. I believe that my career and previous BOD experience has provided me with the skills and experience that make me qualified to serve as a member of your BOD.

I promise to continue listening to you, the members. I promise to be diligent in collecting and reviewing all pertinent information to make the best possible decisions for Sandy Pines. I hope that the decisions I have made, along with our team, thus far, has demonstrated my dedication and commitment to the membership of Sandy Pines . A vote for me is a vote to help Sandy Pines continue to grow and thrive for many years to come so future generations can experience the same pride, love and enjoyment we are all blessed with today.

Board Directors Sandy Pines Camping

It has been a great honor and a privilege to serve on your Sandy Pines board of directors since 2019.  We’ve accomplished and overcome a lot these past three years and there is plenty more to get excited about in the near future.  With your blessing, I would love the opportunity to continue in this capacity, to help provide servant leadership while focusing on overall park and member needs.

My qualifications for this position include an 11-year stint as Vice President of a West Michigan school board as well as serving as the school’s band booster president.  In addition, 20+ years experience as an automotive service manager has reinforced my firm belief in the Golden Rule which I use as daily guidance both personally and professionally.

Our two grown children, their spouses, and our four grandchildren relish their time here, and it’s my passion to help preserve our happy place while making necessary and sometimes difficult decisions as we adapt and embrace inevitable change.  I truly thank you in advance for your support.

Sandy Pines RV Resort Campground West MichiganMy name is Stephanie, I have enjoyed Sandy Pines my whole life. My family has been in the park for forty five years and now my husband and I are raising our kids here during the summer months. We live in Holland with our two girls, Adelyn and Emmi. They attend Holland Christian schools, this next school year Adelyn will be a sophomore and Emmi will be in seventh grade.

Adelyn is working two jobs this summer at the Dairy Dip and the rec department. She plays varsity lacrosse and is working towards getting her driver’s license. Emmi loves to fish and is developing a love for volleyball. She is preparing to take the golf cart test and is excited for the new freedom that will bring. My husband works in Grand Rapids and commutes during the week. He loves to fish and boat when he isn’t working on a project. I work at a hospital in the emergency department and locked behavioral health unit.

I have been in the emergency department for fourteen years and the behavioral health unit for four years. I have served on various committees in the hospital with the most recent being an expansion in mental health services provided in the emergency department. I am a student at Davenport, forever learning and growing. I was chair of the lake committee last summer and then was appointed to the board in December. The vacancy was left by Chad’s unexpected passing. I didn’t know him personally but his friendly waves on the golf cart are certainly missed.

I know I will never fill his shoes, but I hope that I can represent the voice of the park from members of all ages. I love our little slice of heaven at Sandy Pines and I am excited, if elected, to continue to be a part of the board of directors.

My name is Craig Van Beek and I am running for an open position with the Sandy Pines Board of Directors.

Sandy Pines has been a part of my life since I was very young.  My parents, as well as my grandparents, were both members of the park.  My parents even operated the Golden Onion restaurant in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

I previously worked for the Maintenance Department within the park for 25 years before taking an appointment as a Local Pastor in the community.  I am in my 6th year of ministry, with a special highlight of being able to return to my roots here at the park and speak at the Chapel on multiple occasions.

My wife and I are now current members within the park and reside in Phase 4.  It has proved to be a great place for us to relax and enjoy our summers with our 3 girls.

I feel that serving your community is of the utmost importance.  In addition to serving as a Local Pastor, I currently serve as the President of the Hamilton Community Schools Board of Education, a Trustee for the Allegan County OnPoint Mental Health Board and have previously been a licensed foster home in the State of Michigan.  In addition, I have been involved with different committees within the state regarding CPS and foster care procedures.

I strongly believe that my experience in serving the community on many different levels, combined with spending the majority of life within the park, has given me valuable insight.

My goal as a new Board Member is represent each of you as members and to continuously move forward in the best direction.

Thank you for your support.


Craig Van Beek

Sandy Pines RV Resort Campground West MichiganHello my name is Scot Wyman, I’m running for the board of directors this year. I was first introduced to Sandy Pines in the early 1990’s when my mother and brother bought places in Phase 3, I purchased shortly after that in 1994 (I believe). I was amazed at the size of the park and the amenities they had to offer back then and have seen the park evolve to the great place it is today.

I retired from the East Lansing Fire Department after nearly 30 years serving as a Firefighter/Paramedic, Lieutenant, Captain and Deputy Fire Chief. I also served in different capacities within our local union as well. I attended Lansing Community College obtaining a degree in Fire Science, and a certificate as an A-EMT (Paramedic). And then received my Paramedic License from the state of Michigan.

I am currently on the Long Range Planning committee, I served three years on the Chapel Committee, and also served as an arbitrator for Sandy Pines.

My wife Jamie and I have a place in Phase 6, prior to that we were in Phase 3. My three children have had the pleasure and great experience of Sandy Pines for many years. We have been so blessed to have such an amazing place at Sandy Pines.

My reason for running for the BOD is to help continue making and keeping this place an affordable, great experience for years to come. I support transparency for the board while realizing some issues must maintain strict confidentiality.

I look forward to serving you and appreciate your support in the upcoming election.

Past Board Meeting Videos

To watch past Board Meetings, visit the Sandy Pines YouTube Page. All past meetings are listed in chronological order.

Board Meeting Minutes

You can view past Board Of Directors Meeting minutes by clicking the button below.

Board Resolutions

Resolutions that are proposed to the Board for voting in future meetings can be found and will remain here for a few months after they are voted on by the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors Meeting

Upcoming Board of Director Meetings